Gamestop stock explained

GameStop stock explained: Here’s what short selling is and …

GameStop stock explained: Here’s what short selling is and why it’s shaking up Wall Street

28. jan. 2021 — In a short sale, they borrow a share of GameStop and then sell it. Later, if the stock price does as they expect, they can buy the stock at a …

Amid the recent astronomical surge in value of shares of struggling companies like GameStop and AMC, trading strategies like short selling and short squeezing have been trending all over social media, leaving many scrambling to keep up. Here’s what you need to know to understand what’s going on.

EXPLAINER: Why GameStop’s stock surge is shaking Wall …

EXPLAINER: Why GameStop’s stock surge is shaking Wall Street | AP News

28. jan. 2021 — It’s how investors can make money off a stock falling. In a short sale, they borrow a share of GameStop and then sell it. Later, if the stock …

NEW YORK (AP) — It’s not just you. What’s going on with GameStop’s stock doesn’t make sense to a lot of people…

4 Things to Know About the GameStop Insanity

What You Need to Know About the GameStop Stock Trading Insanity – The New York Times

30. jan. 2021 — It’s called a short squeeze, and it involves investors betting on which way a stock will go — up or down. These bets are placed by buying the …

It has been a weird time in the stock market, where a video game retailer has suddenly become the center of attention.

GameStop short squeeze – Wikipedia

On March 24, the GameStop stock price fell 34 percent to $120.34 per share after earnings were released and the company announced plans for issuing a new …

GameStop? Reddit? Explaining what’s happening in the stock …

GameStop? Reddit? Explaining what’s happening in the stock market

27. jan. 2021 — Here’s a guide to understanding what’s going on with GameStop and what the frenzy means for the stock market.

Wall Street can’t stop talking about GameStop, a video game retailer whose stock price is popping far beyond what most people think it is worth.

GameStop’s Reddit-fueled stock market situation explained

GameStop’s Reddit-fueled stock market situation explained – Polygon

27. jan. 2021 — GameStop’s share price, which closed on Tuesday at $147.98 (it’s gone over $300 today) isn’t any reflection of its health or value as a company.

GameStop stock is on the rise, and a Reddit group called WallStreetBets is at the heart of an unusual meteoritic rise in price. Read our explainer of short selling as it relates to GameStop’s incredible stock market situation.

GameStop: What Happened, and What It Means

29. mar. 2021 — Their analysis, however, deemed GameStop to be overvalued, and they began shorting its stock; in other words, they borrowed the stock in order …

Until recently, stock trading was the exclusive domain of high-flying, wealthy Goliaths. With the arrival of avenues such as digital platforms, every-day Davids are entering the arena and, by coordinating their efforts, significantly influencing the prices of targeted stocks. Such was the case of GameStop, with its share price recently experiencing a wild ride after attracting investor interest from different corners, including a band of Davids in Reddit’s WallStreetBets forum.

Here’s The GameStop Stock Situation Explained In The Most …

Here’s The GameStop Stock Situation Explained In The Most Simple Way Possible

29. jan. 2021 — What’s happening now is that stock trading platforms have halted trading on Gamestop, meaning that users can’t buy anymore stock, but they can …

Here’s The GameStop Stock Situation Explained In The Most Simple Way Possible

GameStop share trading explained – BBC News – YouTube

GameStop Stock, Explained: How Reddit Traders Manipulated the Stock Market

27. jan. 2021 — On its face, the GameStop surge appears to be a classic pump-and-dump scheme, in which a group of people collude to hype up a stock, …

The WallStreetBets subreddit took the financial world by storm this week, putting hedge funds at the edge of their seat. Here’s everything you need to be equipped for the inevitable conversation about why GameStop’s stock is rising, what short squeeze means, and how a Reddit trader sparked the Wall Street revolution.

Keywords: gamestop stock explained